
Multidisciplinary engineer

building in AI and Neuroscience

Multidisciplinary engineer

building in AI and Neuroscience

Multidisciplinary engineer

building in AI and Neuroscience

Multidisciplinary engineer

building in AI and Neuroscience









Hey I am Tyler, welcome to my node of the internet.

I explore and build emerging technology, spending time on a combination of neurotech, knowledge systems, AI, and investing. Professionally, I have worked across mobile, web, and supercomputing in roles from engineering to marketing. I have been involved with startups for a decade and now have settled into the role of just getting things done.

Setting goals is not my agenda, instead I simply want to produce interesting stuff while staying curious for as long as possible. I prize a nuanced discussion and place zero value on noise (news, politics). I am endlessly fascinated with how the brain works and how people communicate thought. Working around SDAM (lack of autobiographical memories) and aphantasia motivates a meaningful amount of my work.

I will always make time to talk with people doing interesting things

Hey I am Tyler, welcome to my node of the internet.

I explore and build emerging technology, spending time on a combination of neurotech, knowledge systems, AI, and investing. Professionally, I have worked across mobile, web, and supercomputing in roles from engineering to marketing. I have been involved with startups for a decade and now have settled into the role of just getting things done.

Setting goals is not my agenda, instead I simply want to produce interesting stuff while staying curious for as long as possible. I prize a nuanced discussion and place zero value on noise (news, politics). I am endlessly fascinated with how the brain works and how people communicate thought. Working around SDAM (lack of autobiographical memories) and aphantasia motivates a meaningful amount of my work.

I will always make time to talk with people doing interesting things

Hey I am Tyler, welcome to my node of the internet.

I explore and build emerging technology, spending time on a combination of neurotech, knowledge systems, AI, and investing. Professionally, I have worked across mobile, web, and supercomputing in roles from engineering to marketing. I have been involved with startups for a decade and now have settled into the role of just getting things done.

Setting goals is not my agenda, instead I simply want to produce interesting stuff while staying curious for as long as possible. I prize a nuanced discussion and place zero value on noise (news, politics). I am endlessly fascinated with how the brain works and how people communicate thought. Working around SDAM (lack of autobiographical memories) and aphantasia motivates a meaningful amount of my work.

I will always make time to talk with people doing interesting things

Hey I am Tyler, welcome to my node of the internet.

I explore and build emerging technology, spending time on a combination of neurotech, knowledge systems, AI, and investing. Professionally, I have worked across mobile, web, and supercomputing in roles from engineering to marketing. I have been involved with startups for a decade and now have settled into the role of just getting things done.

Setting goals is not my agenda, instead I simply want to produce interesting stuff while staying curious for as long as possible. I prize a nuanced discussion and place zero value on noise (news, politics). I am endlessly fascinated with how the brain works and how people communicate thought. Working around SDAM (lack of autobiographical memories) and aphantasia motivates a meaningful amount of my work.

I will always make time to talk with people doing interesting things

I am working on explaining and applying AI.

I am working on explaining and applying AI.

Work includes a wide-coverage project to categorize business-use AI as well as strategy development for public markets risk characterization.

Concepts that I am specifically interested in 2023:

Concepts that I am specifically interested in 2023:

Explaining AI for simply (Intent routing systems)

Cognition & memory characterization

High-leverage options trading systems

Explaining AI for simply (Intent routing systems)

Cognition & memory characterization

High-leverage options trading systems



I am starting an applied neuroscience company.

I am starting an applied neuroscience company.

I have recently begun my next venture—

an explorative dive into demystifying how thought and memory works for both man and machine.

I have recently begun my next venture—

an explorative dive into demystifying how thought and memory works for both man and machine.


Building systems to reduce investment risk.

Building systems to reduce investment risk.

Are there viable alternatives to VC?

Assumption reduction for public markets

Are there viable alternatives to VC?

Assumption reduction for public markets


Memory + SDAM

Generative media

Knowledge systems


Risk characterization

Curated interesting things

A stream of things that I have been involved in or that I think are worth reading.

interesting things

interesting things

A stream of things that I have been involved in or that I think are worth reading.